Sorry folks, been a while. Computer wouldn’t allow me to enter my own website. I affectionately call it Hal, and it reminds me of a horse I used to ride when I was young: as soon as I mounted it would walk under the bough of a tree just high enough above the saddle to allow me to lie down and slide off backwards. In a word, ornery.

Back to experimentation. Every so often I found myself overweight and struggling to lose it, particularly after stopping smoking. Each time I played my hypnosis tape for overeating something unusual happened. The very first time I was down at Jindabyne with friends and had cooked what looked like a wonderful roast lamb with vegetables and mint sauce. It tasted bland and uninteresting to me, so I couldn’t eat very much. However, they all congratulated me on the delicious dinner they had all wolfed down, so I concluded that my taste buds had been compromised. The lack of taste continued long enough to bring my weight down to a satisfactory level.

The next time I developed a craving for salads. Driving home from work I would see a mirage in front of my eyes: lettuce, tomatoes, potato salad, ham, beetroot (homemade), Spanish onion, cucumber, boiled egg, all piled high on a plate. Yum yum. A friend once told me that the salad I have described contains less calories than one teaspoon of butter, so of course that was going to do the trick.

On another occasion I became more active than usual – walking on the soft sand, more surfing, exercising. This too had a beneficial effect on my weight and fitness.

You really have to emphasise safe ways of losing weight in your script. One unwelcome effect has been diarrhoea, and i have my suspicions about a nasty bout of reflux. They are effective but at a cost.

I like to dwell on getting fit rather than losing weight. Much more “Pollyanna”. More next time.