At some stage during the morning Ross appeared in the doorway, one of what I call my three magenta moments at U.T.,S. That is, his face colour was somewhere between scarlet and purple.

Accusatory words like censorship, attack on freedom of the press, poured out of his outraged mouth. He fumed and gesticulated, but it was too late for him to do anything about it.

However, he could have made a big song and dance, complained to the powers-that-be, or written a follow-up article about what had happened. He very kindly did not.

As time went by, Ross became a good friend to our Unit. He told us he had qualified as a chartered accountant but being dissatisfied with his work he had come to U.T.,S. to pick the eyes out of the Communications Degree. His intention was to become the Economics Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald. I remember thinking, pigs might fly, it seemed he was aiming a bit high. Taking on the student newspaper was a means of polishing up his communication skills.

About once a fortnight he joined whoever in Student Services was available at the Loft, the Staff Club, for a meal, even after he had joined the Herald.

He was a bit phlegmatic, not much into humour, a trifle reserved and very serious. Also a very genuine and pleasant person.

All this took place probably in the mid-1960’s or 70’s. Fast forward to mid 2016, Royal Sydney Golf Club. My friend Barbara came through the door at the same time as Ross, who was guest speaker at a completely booked-out dinner. Barbara said she had come with someone who knew him at U.T.,S. When he came in he threw his arms around me and gave me a hug and a kiss. He seemed delighted, chatted, told me he had contact with another Student Services staff member and took my cards for himself and the other man. (More next time)